Dr. Meghna Rohit has completed her B.D.S. from the prestigious D.Y. Patil School of Dentistry (Navi Mumbai) in 2015. She Pursued her IFS (INDIAN FORENSIC SCIENCE) from the Pune University in 2017 and has also completed basic implantology. After nearly 6 years of working under India’s most renowned Doctor’s, Dr. Meghna Rohit setup her own dental practice in Bandra (W) Mumbai – "Crown Dental Clinic".
She is an active Life Time member of Indian Dental Association. She has received extensive training and is especially skilled in restoring natural smiles by replacing missing and damaged teeth with all types of advanced crowns and bridges, veneers and removable and fixed dentures.
Not only is she a skilled dentist but also emphasizes on suggesting the best dental treatment suited to the dental problem with best possible care. She meticulously runs through and explains the entire dental treatment procedure so the patients feel comfortable during the treatment. She keeps herself updated with the latest in Dentistry and related Technologies.